Book Michael McGee, JR
BOOK NOWDo you desire to know the meaning of your dreams?
If so, this book is for you. God speaks through dreams, his desire is for us to seek him for the meaning.
You will learn:
1. How to interpret dreams.
2. How to process dreams.
3. The importance of dream tracking.
Simple tools for praying dreams into manifestation.
and much MORE!
In this book I share my personal journey of over 25 years of hearing and following the voice of God through dreams. Get your copy today!
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Are you looking to unlock the secrets of your dreams?
Are you looking for proven methods to successfully interpret and recognize what God is saying to you through your dreams?
Join Michael McGee, for the Dream Interpretation Masterclass. With more than 20+ years of dream interpretation experience, Michael has masterfully crafted an online class to help the everyday believer learn, understand and decipher their dreams.
This class includes teaching, training and personal dream interpretation! Sign up today.
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Sundays: 9am & 9pm CST
Thursdays: 7:45am CST
In-Person: 2nd & 3rd Saturdays - 3pm CST
3071 Directors Row Memphis, TN 38131
Watch NowMeet Michael McGee, Jr.
Mike McGee, Jr. loves the voice of God and has a passion for helping others to know God's voice through dream interpretation. He and his wife, Shiree, are the founders and pastors of Revive Church in Memphis, TN. He accepted Christ at the age of 10 and was called to preach at the age of 16.
Mike has a strong passion for street evangelism, community outreach and equipping leaders for ministry.
He has a Bachelor of Professional Studies in Organizational Leadership from Roosevelt University. He has been married to his high school love, Shiree, for 25 years. They have two children Jon and Jada who serve with them in ministry.